Optimal Care
Mercuur Medical Clinic (MMC) is an efficient, fully automated, pleasant, but above all accessible outpatient clinic.
At MMC you can count on optimal care
For us you are more than just a sick person or a number, for us you are an entire person! Therefore our concern is also in line with our opinion.
A healthy person is in good condition physically as well as psychologically. This is the resilience to function well and also to participate in society. That is what we want to achieve together with you.
We want to understand you and help you to understand what is going on and also listen to what is most important for you. Together with you we decide what is best for you.
Upon arrival at Mercuur Medical Clinic (MMC), the doctor’s assistant will be delighted to welcome you and to help you immediately.
The doctor’s assistant will also be the first to speak to you when you call the clinic. This person makes appointments for, among other things, consultation hours and also has the answer to many practical questions such as referrals and prescriptions.
We also keep in close contact with patients via Email, Social Media, SMS and WhatsApp.
At MMC we use the latest techniques and therefore each patient is also registered digitally. The doctor keeps an electronic patient record (elektronisch patiëntendossier -EPD) for every patient, because it is of utmost importance to keep this information as accurate as possible. This makes it easy and efficient to look up when necessary.
Therefore new patients will always have to fill in a registration form first. For convenience, this form has been processed in Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Your Health, Our Mission
For convenience, smooth functioning and privacy of our patients, MMC has 3 consultation rooms.
Because there are 3 consultation rooms, a patient does not have to rush out after the consultation with the doctor and can leave the consultation room at his / her own pace. The doctor leaves the consultation room and then goes to the next patient. At MMC the doctor comes to you and not the other way around!
Before you speak to the doctor, the doctor’s assistant first records your vital functions (blood pressure, pulse and temperature). Your weight and height are also noted. If necessary, your blood sugar will be measured. These measurements are also immediately processed in your patient file. At MMC we work according to protocols and guidelines of the Ministry of Health / PAHO / Medical Association of Suriname.
All statistics / data are kept at MMC. Therefore it is important that all information regarding the patient is recorded accurately in an electronic patient file. This is important for statistical and epidemiological data for the Office for Public Healthcare / Ministry of Health.